Big Magic
A strange and surprisingly fantastic thing is unfolding in my life right now. It's strange in that it's one of those things that you just can't make up. And yet, paradoxically, it's also quite perfect. This "thing" seems to have been taking shape unbeknownst to me over the last...I don't know how long...years, maybe.
Had all of this been left to me, I would have never created something this crazy & wonderful! The only good explanation is that there has absolutely been some divine intervention at play here. A power much greater than me has masterfully brought the right people together at precisely the right time and the result- nothing short of "big magic".

A year ago- heck, who am I kidding?- 2 weeks ago, I hated to run, and uphill running- NEVER!! Today, I'm all in!
To give you a little background, for the last several months I've been a part of a physician leadership development program. A group of doctors from around the state meet every month or so to learn about leadership. This group is like nothing I've experienced before. On one hand, it's great learning alongside like-minded lifetime learners who are crazy-committed to the amazing art of medicine. On the other hand, these people are special- they represent amazingly diverse interests, unique gifts, and endearing quirks that have me in constant awe.
What's so awesome here, you may be wondering? Well, at first blush, perhaps not much. But, spend a minute here and you will feel it- it's magic. Not magic, like feigning something fantastical, but rather, what I call "big magic"- that sense of wonderful chemistry and synergy that is nothing short of divine.
So, back to the uphill racing. Have you ever heard of a Ragnar? I hadn't either, before a couple of weeks ago. And now- well, not only do I know about a Ragnar race (a brutal mountain run, with LOTS of uphill), but, I'm also on a team made up of members of this leadership group and a few of our spouses (including mine). What?!? Am I crazy?! Well, honestly, this is truly pretty darn crazy! And, yet, I'm not only signed up, but I'm absolutely inspired! I'm excited about it AND I'm terrified. The cool thing is that I know that I can and will do this thing. I won't be alone. I have an amazing team of goofy, smart human beings (who happen to know CPR) rooting for me and me for them.
Together we will conquer a great mountain and the profound significance of this "thing" is not lost on me. This is a VERY... BIG....DEAL... on so many levels.
And, yet, it is right here, right now, this holy ground that I stand on in this moment that I want to recognize. I know that conquering that mountain will be a phenomenal experience AND I simply don't want to lose sight of the magic right before my eyes.
"Take off your sandals, for the place
where you are standing is holy ground. "
-Exodus 3:5
I have witnessed the unfolding of events that I would never in a million years have dreamed up and it is so crazy beautiful. In just a few short months these people (most of whom I had never met before) have come together around a mission. I don't really even know what that mission is- I don't know that any of us do. Yet, we are moving together with trust and joy guiding us toward something big- bigger than us!
So, for me, because there is that trust and somehow a magical knowing that we are going in the right direction, I feel an invitation to just simply BE in this moment- relishing what's right here. The new friendships, the unpredictable fun, the crazy challenge and the feeling that whatever is happening here is part of something bigger and more holy than perhaps I will ever know.
So, as far as the Ragnar race goes, I'll keep you posted. But, more importantly, I just want to remind you to notice and appreciate the magic that's unfolding right here, right now in your life. Take off your shoes and wiggle your toes into the beautiful craziness of your life today.