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Betsy's Be Well Blog

You Are Ready For This

You all have been on my mind a lot over the last several days & weeks...you on the front lines, poised and ready to take on this novel virus- COVID-19.

Whether you are caring for the sick & frightened, comforting the worried & vulnerable, educating the panicked & fear-mongering, proactively preparing your homes & workplaces for the daunting unknown, or simply focusing on the facts (& perhaps your next breath) in order to minimize & temporarily squelch your personal fears & frustration...we see you and we thank you for your service, your courage, and your wisdom.

Although there is still clearly much to be learned in regard to this novel virus, it has nothing on the years of experience, wisdom, and intuitive sense that you have worked your guts out to build up in yourself over the years. It is precisely times such as these- when there is no definitive testing or treatment protocol, no gold standard of care, and a dearth of everything from PPE to ventilators- that you, my friend, get to stand tall as the expert. We look to you, trust you, and appreciate all that you do.

When the masses are hoarding toilet paper and water, you are generously sharing your care and compassion. When the rest of the world is stepping back and away, you are stepping forward and standing up for logic, reason and calm. When the virus hits home & we ask the afflicted to self-quarantine, you hit the ground running. This is why you are the expert.

Trust that all of the years of experience, hard work, and tenacity have prepared you well. Believe in yourself and that you have been perfectly positioned in this historical moment to do what you do best. And, don't forget to lean on each other, get plenty of rest, and breathe.

You are ready for this!

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